Life Laundry

Does your paperwork pile up?
Is your sitting room littered with newspapers?
Is your wardrobe full of clothes you never wear?
Would you like a fresh start?

If you find yourself saying yes to any of these questions
Then it’s time to give your life a serious spring clean!
We all have clutter in our homes but we do not realise what a serious
emotional impact it can have on us and our lives.
I will help you to understand why the clutter has built up and show you
how to start dealing with it. I will actually help you clear the clutter out and show you
how to reorganise your possessions. Letting go is a great feeling and hugely rewarding.
Life Laundry will improve the quality of your life and I will show you how to create and
maintain a clutter free home.

Life Coaching

Do you feel stressed and not in control of your life?
Do you want to improve relationships with family or friends or work colleagues?
Are you unhappy and unfulfilled in your job and wanting a change?
Do you just want time to think and set clear goals or priorities?

I will support and work with clients to help them create and live happy well balanced lives.
I do this by helping you gain more clarity regarding where you are now and where you
want to be in the future. As a life coach, I will support and hopefully inspire you to make the
positive changes in your life you are seeking by being honest and tough when needed.
As you life coach I am on you side working with you to achieve your desired goal

© Claire Redhead